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CCS Nachrichten

15. Jan. 2024
FWF project on induction of innate immune memory by carcinogenic H. pylori granted
Congratulations to CCS member Jutta Horejs-Höck, whose application on the induction of innate immune memory by the class I carcinogenic...

15. Jan. 2024
Salzburg Breast Cancer Talk - March 8-9 2024: Registration Open
We are pleased to announce that our annual symposium "Salzburg Breast Cancer Talk - Mastering Translational Immuno-Oncology" will take...

12. Dez. 2023
High Recognition for Research Achievements in the Field of Oncogenic Hedgehog Signaling
At the invitation of the editors of Blood, the leading and most prestigious journal in hematology and hemato-oncology, Peter Krenn and...

20. Okt. 2023
FWF project on induction of innate immune memory by carcinogenic H. pylori granted
Congratulations to CCS member Jutta Horejs-Höck, whose application on the induction of innate immune memory by the class I carcinogenic...

27. Aug. 2023
Media report: New hope for prostate cancer - through diabetes drug
Press coverage of the latest publication on new insights into metastatic prostate cancer, cancer metabolism and novel therapeutic...

23. Aug. 2023
New insights into the role of chromatin factors in the development of leukemia
CCS member Nikolaus Fortelny from the Department of Biosciences and Medical Biology at PLUS and his team, in collaboration with...

17. Aug. 2023
New treatment options for lethal metastatic prostate cancer discovered
An international research team led by CCS associate member Prof. Lukas Kenner (Medical University of Vienna, Austria) in collaboration...

28. Juni 2023
Childhood Cancer: Weaknesses in the immune response against metastases discovered
(Salzburg, Vienna, June 14, 2023) Scientists around CCS member Dr Nikolas Fortelny and his team and Dr. Sabine Taschner-Mandl from the...

29. Mai 2023
Vielen Dank für Ihre Teilnahme an der diesjährigen Int. CCS-CLL-Workshop in Salzburg
Nach drei Jahren virtueller Online-Meetings (pandemiebedingt) freuten wir uns besonders auf das diesjährige 8. Joint International...

17. Apr. 2023
CCS Director Richard Greil among the most highly cited researcher in clinical medicine in 2022
Congratulations to Prof. Richard Greil - Head of the CCS - for being named by Clarivate/Web of Science one of the world's most highly...

15. März 2023
Registration open - 8th Joint CCS-CLL Conference from 5-6 May 2023 in Salzburg
We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 8th Joint International CCS-CLL Meeting on May 5-6 2023. Participation...

15. März 2023
SAVE THE DATE: International CCS-CLL Meeting 2023
Dear colleagues and friends, We are pleased to announce our 8th International Cancer Cluster Salzburg & 18th International CLL Workshop,...

15. März 2023
4th Salzburg Breast Cancer Talks on October 21-22 2022
After an interruption of more than two years due to the pandemic, we are pleased to announce that the 4th Salzburg Breast Cancer Talk -...

15. März 2023
New FWF grant to Giorgia Nasi on Gamma/Delta T Cells in Cancer Therapy
Great success for Giorgia Nasi from the CCS research team of Iris Gratz. At its last meeting, the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) decided to...
15. März 2023
7th CCS-CLL Workshop - latest program
Dear colleagues, We are looking forward to welcoming you next week at the 7th Joint International CCS-CLL Workshop from May 12-14 2022....

15. März 2023
Study by the Horejs-Hoeck lab published in Frontiers of Immunology
CCS member Jutta Horejs-Hoeck and her team published novel findings on how monocyte infections by the class I carcinogen and pathogen...

15. März 2023
Updated conference program
Please, find the prefinal, updated conference program at our registration page. Townload the current version: updated conference program...

15. März 2023
Updated preliminary program for the 7th International CCS-CLL Meeting
Dear colleagues, In just under four months, more precisely on May 12-14, 2022, the 7th International CCS-CLL Meeting will take place...

15. März 2023
Open 4-year PhD student position available in the Wessler lab
Open 4-year position for a PhD student on cellular mechanisms of pathogen-host interactions at the Department of Biosciences and Medical...

15. März 2023
Two open staff scientist positions for flow cytometry and advanced microscopy
The Department of Biosciences and Medical Biology of the University of Salzburg has announced to open Senior Scientist/Staff Scientist...
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