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CCS Nachrichten
15. März 2023
Open position for biologists or BMAs
Interested in working in a dynamic and motivating environment within the field of cancer research and disease models? Please see the...

15. März 2023
SAVE THE DATE: 7th International CCS-CLL (virtual) Conference on May 12-14 2022
We are glad to announce the upcoming 7th International CCS-CLL Workshop, which will take place on May 12-14 2022 as virtual conference...

15. März 2023
New publication of the Wessler lab on H. pylori infections in gastric cancer
The Wessler lab published new results on substrates of the Helicobacter pylori HtrA protease in epithelial cells in the context of...

15. März 2023
Kurt Zopf Prize Awarded to Iris Gratz
We are pleased to announce that our colleague and CCS member Iris Gratz (AG Tissue Immunity) has been awarded this year's Kurt Zopf Prize...

15. März 2023
Open PhD position in molecular cancer research (CCS-LIMCR lab AG Geisberger)
Dear colleagues, As part of the CCS project on translational cancer research and immuno-oncology, the SCRI-LIMCR offers an open position...

15. März 2023
Hypomethylating agents as preferred therapy for higher-risk CMML patients
A research team lead by CCS member Lisa Pleyer (image) and CCS director Richard Greil published data of a retrospective cohort study in...

15. März 2023
Breast cancer study published in The New England Journal of Medicine
A research consortium led by CCS director Prof. Richard Greil and Prof. Michael Gnant (Med. University Vienna) published results on the...

15. März 2023
CCS researchers identify new drug target for cancer therapy
CCS researchers led by the Aberger group in collaboration with 4SC biotech have identified the kinase CSNK1D as novel drug targets for...

15. März 2023
CCS-CLL Conference 2021 - Thank you for your participation!
Dear participants of the International CCS & CLL Workshop 2021 Thank you very much for attending this year´s virtual CCS-CLL meeting. It...

15. März 2023
Updated preliminary program of the upcoming 6th International CCS-CLL conference
Please find here an updated version of the preliminary program of the upcoming 6th Int. CCS-CLL Conference on May 20-22, 2021. We are...

15. März 2023
Updated Program for Virtual CCS-CLL Conference in May 2021
We are pleased to announce that Prof. Thomas Weichhart (Vienna, Austria) will give a keynote lecture on "Immunometabolism in Health and...

15. März 2023
New FWF grant on NLRP3 signaling in AML awarded to CCS member Jutta Horejs-Hoeck
We are pleased to announce that the FWF approved in its meeting on March 8, 2021 the project proposal of Jutta Horejs-Hoeck to...

15. März 2023
International Award for Science & Research 2020 goes to Prof. Richard Greil
Professor Greil (head of CCS) has received this year´s International Award for Science & Research of the City of Salzburg for his...

15. März 2023
CCS scientists win PLUS Young Investigator Awards 2020
Congratulations to Muamera Sarajilic (Horejs-Hoeck lab) and Sandra Grund-Gröschke (Aberger lab) for winning the gold and bronze PLUS...

15. März 2023
Master Thesis on Extra-Cellular Vesicles as Shuttles for Cancer Drugs and Virulence Factors
Master thesis position available in a cooperation project headed by Silja Wessler (AG Wessler, Microbiology - “Pathogen-induced Signaling...

15. März 2023
Preliminary Program of the Upcoming CCS-CLL Workshop in May 2021
Dear collaegues, We are glad to inform you about the preliminary program of the upcoming CCS-CLL workshop meeting taking place from May...

15. März 2023
Upcoming CCS/CLL Workshop held online on May 20-22, 2021
Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic we would like to inform you that we must reschedule the 6th International Workshop of the Cancer...

15. März 2023
CCS researchers identify immunosuppressive mechanisms in skin cancer development
CCS members of the University of Salzburg and the Salzburg Cancer Research Institute unravel the molecular and cellular mechanisms of how...

15. März 2023
CCS researchers provide new insights into oncogenic signals and mechanisms of cancer drug actions
Using data-driven phospho-proteomics approaches the CCS labs of Christian Huber and Fritz Aberger collaboratively determined the ...
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